Rest. Renew. Rewild.

Do you long to reconnect with nature, yourself, and the more than human world?

Do you want protected space to rest and reflect?

Come retreat with us.

“The poetry of earthen life cannot reach its fullness on a computer screen, or even in the synapses of our magnificent intellect. Our hearts are formed of a wilder clay.”

— Lyanda Lynn Haupt in Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit



The rhythm of our days on retreat will follow the cues of the natural world, gathering during a Solstice or Equinox, a Full Moon with all its creative energy, or the inward wisdom of the dark New Moon. We will start by nourishing our bodies, souls and community. We will then move, with gentle flowing expressions or options like meditative hiking, mindful movement, and if available, walking a labyrinth. Then we’ll rest and reflect through breath work, journaling, poetry, art, or dreaming. We’ll repeat the cycle of nourish, move, reflect, and rest throughout the retreat. There will be moments of silence and opportunities to share your experience. Join us.